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The 23rd New York International 

Orchid Show 

Rockefeller Center

April 10-13, 2003.  


Trophy/Award: I Grand Champion - Best Orchid in Show
Hoosier Orchids
Lycaste Golden Emperor 'Hoosier', FCC/AOS (Aphrodite x Cocentration) *

Trophy/Award: II Reserve Champion
Soroa Orchids
Onc sphacelatum *
Trophy/Award: III The American Orchid Society Show Trophy for the Most Outstanding Exhibit
Greater New York Orchid Society
Trophy/Award: IV Best Society Exhibit (Excluding GNYOS)
Deep Cut Orchid Society
Trophy/Award: V The Orchid Digest Show Trophy for the Best Exhibit by an Orchid Society or an Amateur Grower
Greater New York Orchid Society
Trophy/Award: VI The Merritt Huntington Award for the Best Exhibit Design in Show
The Orchidphile
Trophy/Award: VII The Mayor's Trophy for the Best Plant Grown in New York City
Brooklyn Botanical Garden by David Horak
Trichoglottis rosea var 'breviracema' 'Brooklyn Botanic Garden' CCM/AOS
Trophy/Award: VIII The Rockefeller Center Award for the Best Species in Show
Waldor Orchids
Epi Stamfordianum 'Linwood' *
Trophy/Award: IX The Janet Howe Memorial Award for the Best Specimen in Show
Waldor Orchids
Epi Stamfordianum 'Linwood' *
Trophy/Award: X The H. Phillips Jesup Award for the Best Miniature in Show
Gypsy Glen Orchids
Dendrobium Dicheaoides 'Fishing Creek' CCE/AOS *
Trophy/Award: XII The Shiseido Award for the Most Impressive Flower Fragrance
Long Island Orchid Society
Aerangis modesta
Trophy/Award: XIII The Enid A. Haupt Award for the Best Cymbidium Alliance in Show
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Clay Frick II
Cym. Alegra
Trophy/Award: XIV The Rodney Wilcox Jones Memorial Award for the Best Cattleya Alliance in Show
C. loddigesii 'Aranda' AM/AOS *
Trophy/Award: XV The Don Richardson Memorial Award for the Best Pleurothallid Alliance in Show
J & L Orchids
Masd. (Dick Doran x veitchiana 'Pacific') *
Trophy/Award: XVI The Richard C. Peterson Memorial Award for the Best Oncidium Alliance in Show
Soroa Orchids
Onc sphacelatum *
Trophy/Award: XVII The Walter F. Bertsch Memorial Award for the Best Paphiopedilum Alliance in Show (excluding Phragmipedium)
A & P Orchids
Paph. (Innadale x Diversion) *
Trophy/Award: XVIII The Al and Marilyn Rutel Award for the Best Phragmipedium in Show
Lois Duffin Orchids
Paph. Jason Fisher (besseae x Mem. Dick Clement)
Trophy/Award: XIX The Herb Hager Memorial Award for the Best Phalaenopsis Alliance in Show
The Orchidphile
Phal Tsay's Evergreen 'Nobody's Jade' HCC/AOS * (Sheba's Elf x Yungho Princess Gelb)
Trophy/Award: XX The David Brodsky Memorial Award for the Best Dendrobium Alliance in Show
Ballantyne & Doran
Dendrobium Harold Hirsch (Suffusum x Speciosum) *
Trophy/Award: XXI The David L. Grove Award for the Best Vanda Alliance in Show
Andy's Orchids
Schoenorchis frangrans
Trophy/Award: XXII The Ben Berliner Memorial Award for the Best Maxillaria Alliance in Show
Hoosier Orchids
Lycaste Golden Emperor 'Hoosier', AM/AOS (Aphrodite x Cocentration) *
Trophy/Award: XXIII The Gerry Cassella Award for the Best Miscellaneous Genera in Show
Hoosier Orchids
Catasetum Jumbo Glory (Ctsm. Susan Fuchs x Sanguineum)
Trophy/Award: XXIV The Beryl Hershey Memorial Award for the Best Floral Display in Show
Floral Arrangement

· indicates photo by Wayne Bourdette


In the center of the sales area, in front of the glass mural, Morty Koktesky, Wayne Bourdette, Gail Stamler, Elena Andrews-Gaillard, Lori Grunes and other volunteers spent considerable amounts of time behind the information tables. They were enticing people to join the local orchid societies, the American Orchid Society while giving plenty of "free advice" to everyone that asked about orchid culture or just asked for directions to specific vendors. It was a hard job because of elevated noise level forced them to shout the information in order to be heard.

And the other activities, the full schedule of workshops organized by Carri Raven-Riemann, and presented by Ell Ronis, and the walking tours organized by, and mostly lead by David Taft -- They were a great success and well received. Many thanks are due to all the people that presented the workshops as well as all the ones that conducted tours.

I also know that Dawn was there the entire time but no one could pinpoint her last location. She never stood still long enough to rest. It was like a Dawn sighting, she was here, she was there. She was in three places at the same time…where is Dawn?…I don’t know, she was here a minute ago was the answer, but if you wait here another minute, she’ll be back. And there she came, beep….beep… Thanks Dawn for putting out all those little fires before they had a chance to start, and for making sure that all was in order.

Lastly, my sincere thanks go to a couple of people that again were instrumental in the
success of the show. Thanks Julia for all your help in making this “the classiest orchid show in the country”. Thanks goes to David Horak, who took a lot of punches for things that were not his fault but stood his ground and for the many, many hours and sleepless nights that it took to put things together. Also, many thanks are due to the management and personnel of Rockefeller Center. Their professionalism was incredible. From Tom Madden and Glenn Mahoney and the management group to the staging personnel, the security and clean up crews. They all did a wonderful job. Thanks again!

None of the massive effort that is the New York Show could have been accomplished without the enormous assistance, cooperation, courtesy, and generosity of the volunteers, both members and non-members of GNYOS. The hours spend by them cannot be repaid. From the first delivery of the show materials, to the endless hours of judging, to the last bit of clean up, it was a remarkable achievement by the people that took part. As usual, I will not mention names, knowing well that I will miss listing more than a few. They know who they are… and all of us can say thanks for making this show the best ever!

And the show goes on….

Carlos Fighetti


· indicates photo by Wayne Bourdette










































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